3 Ways To Prove Your Love Is Real At Your Immigration Interview

embassy interview green card interview interview prep marriage interview marriage petition program mcbean marriage program May 15, 2021

Your immigration interview will be one of the toughest interviews you'll ever face. For some people, it can be incredibly grueling.

You've heard the stories. Couples get so nervous that they forget each other's birthdays, in-law's name or the type of bank accounts they hold.

But believe it or not, these aren't the real horror stories.

From my standpoint as an immigration lawyer, the worst case scenario is getting a SECOND interview notice. If this happens, you'll really need to lawyer up at that point.

What makes the immigration interview so stressful, intimidating and misunderstood?

Lack of preparation

It all comes down to how prepared you'll be for that big day. Obviously, you want it to go well. It can only go well if you're prepared. 

When I prepare my clients for their interview, I take them through a grueling one hour mock interview session. I walk them through the most common questions the government usually asks.

I also give them 100 questions to study at home before their interview.

Here are three tips that I also share with them: 

1. Be natural.

That's right. Just be yourself during the interview. We've all seen this before and we hate it. It's called "fakeness."

No one likes to be around someone who is fake.

When someone is being fake, oftentimes it means they are hiding something.

The immigration officer will know that you're being fake.  How?  Fakeness manifest in many ways. Here are the most common forms.

Holding hands during the entire interview.

The immigration interview is a serious meeting and couples who have a genuine relationship concentrate on answering the questions correctly.

They are not focused on showing affection to each other during this critical meeting.

Using too many words of endearment.

When you're at home, it's fine to speak sweet nothings to each other. But not at the immigration interview.

This is a sure sign of fraud. 

Showing too much affection.

Again, this is perfectly fine at home, but not in a government building where the fate of your spouse's immigration status is on the line.

I know this is going to sound strange and counterintuitive, but you must be lukewarm towards your spouse that day.

Remember that you're at a business meeting. Maintain your business face and simply act natural.

2. Know the essence of your love story.

Your love story is the heart of your marriage case. I'm not referring to the story of how you met and the details of your proposal.

Although these aspects of your love story are important, I'm referring to the essence of your love story.

The essence of your story is what caused you to fall in love with your spouse. What is it about him or her that attracted you in the first place?  How did this attraction blossom into love? 

If you can communicate the essence of your love story, then you're golden.

3. Be vulnerable.

The immigration interview isn't the time and place to "be strong." In fact, this is the time to express your emotions. When you're telling the essence of your love story, it should come with some emotions.

You should feel something in that moment...and so should the officer interviewing you. 

When you open up and show some vulnerability during your interview, your vulnerability will make it crystal clear to the officer that you have true love and affection for your spouse.

Keep these three tips in mind for your upcoming interview. If you've read this blog, you're one step closer to being prepared for this important interview!

Check out our latest online courses to help you and your spouse today. 


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